Targe 2024
The Battle of Karavás
Cyprus - 6 August 1974
Introduction This game is based on an action during the ‘Operational Pause’ during the Turkish intervention in Cyprus in July 1974. This year is the 50th anniversary of the conflict, which followed a coup d’état engineered by the Greek military junta. The Turkish government used their treaty rights to intervene to protect the Turkish minority on the island. Operation Yildiz Turkish forces had landed near Kyrenia (Girne) on the northern coast on 20 July. By 22 July, they had joined up with airborne troops and commandos who had landed in the Turkish triangle, held by Turkish Cypriot militia (TMT) on the other side of the Pentadáktylos Mountains. A ceasefire was agreed upon while negotiations took place in Geneva, but both sides continued low-level actions to strengthen their positions. One such action was on 6 August when Turkish forces attacked a Greek salient around the villages of Lápithos and Karavás. Scenario The Greek National Guard had an infantry and a mechanised infantry battalion supported by artillery and a few AFVs holding a strong position with minefields. M46 tanks and M113 APCs supported the Turkish infantry and marines. Crucially, the Turks have total air superiority, allowing F-100 Super Sabre ground attack fighters to bomb Greek positions. The rules are a simplified version of the Modern Bolt Action rules devised by Jay’s Wargaming Madness. The 20mm figures are from various ranges. We have compacted the action to capture the key elements of the battle. In the historical battle, the Greek Cypriots could not hold back the overwhelming Turkish force but slowly retreated under intense pressure westwards. By the end of the day, the Turkish Marine battalions had neither completely secured Karavás nor had the 61st Infantry Regiment completely secured Lápithos. It wasn’t until the next day that the positions were secured and the salient consolidated. |