Conan and the Princess
Participation game at Carronade 2017
Introduction This is a participation game based on the Conan books written by Robert E Howard. Made popular, yet again, by the recent board game. Scenario You are Conan and you lead a warband from the Kingdom of Aquilonia, consisting of the magician Hadratus, supported by units of spearmen, bowmen and horse archers. Your task is to rescue the Princess Yasmina from the clutches of Skuthus, a priest of Set. He holds the Princess in an abandoned castle defended by his acolytes. You start from the ruined village next to a river. There are two crossings of the river and you have to decide how to deploy your forces in the advance towards the castle. The enemy could ambush you at any time. The rules are Dragon Rampant, written by Daniel Mersey. The character figures are from the Conan board game, supplemented by medieval figures from a variety of 28mm ranges. Rules
Shooting and attacks:
No expense was spared on the prizes! |