GDWS Display Games
GDWS has put on display or participation games at wargame shows for many years. Here is a selection of our recent games:
(click on the header for details of each display)
(click on the header for details of each display)
South American Wars of Liberation
2007 display theme including games at:
Carronade, Phalanx and Claymore
2007 display theme including games at:
Carronade, Phalanx and Claymore
Prince Eugene in the Balkans
Wappinshaw 2006 - Zenta 1697
Carronade 2006 - Belgrade 1717
Claymore 2006 - Peterwardein 1716
Wappinshaw 2006 - Zenta 1697
Carronade 2006 - Belgrade 1717
Claymore 2006 - Peterwardein 1716