Renaissance Championship
The renaissance championship is played with Field of Glory Renaissance rules using 15mm figures.
The renaissance championship is played with Field of Glory Renaissance rules using 15mm figures.
This is a competition for 15mm armies of up to 800 points, using Field of Glory rules.
Scoring will be by the BHGS 0 – 25 points system.
A player receiving a bye will be awarded a 20* points.
A player not playing their game will receive -5 points.
A player not playing their game twice in the year will receive -20 points.
A Player not playing 3 games will be removed from competition.
The first round pairings will be drawn at random. A Swiss chess system will be used for subsequent rounds. No one will play the same opponent more than once. A completion date will be given for each round when the draw for that round is published. Results should be given/emailed to me by close of play on that date.
If I don’t get your score, you don’t get one.
While I would prefer all games to be played at the club, I am aware that this is not always possible, and have no objection to people playing their competition games elsewhere.
If a game is arranged and one player fails to turn up without notifying his opponent, his opponent will be awarded a bye. Failing to turn up includes arriving after 14.00hrs on GDWS premises at the opponent’s pleasure.
If a game is not completed by the given date for that round due to one player being unavailable for all meetings in that round, his opponent will be awarded a bye.
Where both players cannot agree a date, the default position is that the game should be played off Club premises. If one player cannot do this, he forfeits the game. Where neither player can meet any of the needs of the other, the score will be zero to both players. If any player forfeits 2 games by not playing, he will lose 25 points from their overall score.
Unless one army is broken earlier, games should be played for 3.5 hours including deployment.
The game will finish on the equal turn basis phase at which the 3.5 hours is up i.e. if it is the attacker’s Shooting round then all shooting is completed, including tests resulting from this, and then the game is over.
Early Period (No Impact Pistol, Pre 1585AD Armies only, No Musket except as Skirmishers)
Late Period (Any Army from any Book)
*An overall winner of the event cannot get a 20 point bye in the last round. All games must be played. If this is a case were a player will be given an average of all 5 games as their final bye score. This is for all byes in the final round, all Players will not gain 20* but an average f their 3 games.
Scoring will be by the BHGS 0 – 25 points system.
A player receiving a bye will be awarded a 20* points.
A player not playing their game will receive -5 points.
A player not playing their game twice in the year will receive -20 points.
A Player not playing 3 games will be removed from competition.
The first round pairings will be drawn at random. A Swiss chess system will be used for subsequent rounds. No one will play the same opponent more than once. A completion date will be given for each round when the draw for that round is published. Results should be given/emailed to me by close of play on that date.
If I don’t get your score, you don’t get one.
While I would prefer all games to be played at the club, I am aware that this is not always possible, and have no objection to people playing their competition games elsewhere.
If a game is arranged and one player fails to turn up without notifying his opponent, his opponent will be awarded a bye. Failing to turn up includes arriving after 14.00hrs on GDWS premises at the opponent’s pleasure.
If a game is not completed by the given date for that round due to one player being unavailable for all meetings in that round, his opponent will be awarded a bye.
Where both players cannot agree a date, the default position is that the game should be played off Club premises. If one player cannot do this, he forfeits the game. Where neither player can meet any of the needs of the other, the score will be zero to both players. If any player forfeits 2 games by not playing, he will lose 25 points from their overall score.
Unless one army is broken earlier, games should be played for 3.5 hours including deployment.
The game will finish on the equal turn basis phase at which the 3.5 hours is up i.e. if it is the attacker’s Shooting round then all shooting is completed, including tests resulting from this, and then the game is over.
Early Period (No Impact Pistol, Pre 1585AD Armies only, No Musket except as Skirmishers)
Late Period (Any Army from any Book)
*An overall winner of the event cannot get a 20 point bye in the last round. All games must be played. If this is a case were a player will be given an average of all 5 games as their final bye score. This is for all byes in the final round, all Players will not gain 20* but an average f their 3 games.
The 2016/17 Winner was George Dick
2015/16 winner was John Muir