The ancients championship is played with the Field of Glory rules and 15mm figures.
2016/17 Competition
This is a competition for 15mm armies of up to 800 points, using Field of Glory rules. Scoring will be by the BHGS 0 – 25 points system. A player receiving a bye will be awarded 20 points. All lists for the first half to be submitted to myself by email on one of the many pro forma types available. If you don’t have access to one I will send you one. I will send out an email at a later date indicating when I will require the second and third lists. Once the lists have been checked copies will be emailed to all those taking part. It will then be up to you to check for yourself that your opponent is fielding the army he submitted, before the game starts. I will not entertain any complaints about people fielding the wrong army once a game is finished. Lists to include: Player’s name, Army name (and date if applicable ), List book, Terrain types permissible to that army, Attrition break point, Pre battle initiative modifier and order of march. It would also be helpful if players could include their phone no/email address on the list to make it easier for opponents to contact one another to arrange games if they cannot make it to the club. Lists to be laid out as per the book ie. Troop name, Type, Armour. Quality, Training, Shooting, Close combat, BG size/points. The first round pairings will be drawn at random. A Swiss chess system will be used for subsequent rounds. A completion date will be given for each round when the draw for that round is published. Results should be emailed to me by / on that date. If I don’t get your score, you don’t get one. While I would prefer all games to be played at the club, I am aware that this is not always possible, and have no objection to people playing their competition games elsewhere. If a game is arranged and one player fails to turn up without notifying his opponent, his opponent will be awarded a bye. If a game is not completed by the given date for that round due to one player being unavailable his opponent will be awarded a bye. If both players are unavailable I would suggest that they come to an arrangement to share the points. In any case, I need to be told the result. I repeat, if I don’t get your score, you don’t get one. Games should be played for 3.5 hours or until one army is defeated. Score calculation Chart V2 FAQs John Muir |
Army Lists
(click on army name for list) Alan Cutner - Parthian Bill Ramsey - Roman Bill Robertson - Spartan Revolt Gary Weston - Koryo Korean George Dick - Khmer Hugh Cameron - Arab Conquest John Conley - Neo Assyrian Empire John Macphail - Early Successor John Muir - Republican Roman Larry Cheyne - Bosporan Michael Williams - Late Carthaginian Neil Grant - Scythian Russel Simpson - Five Dynasty Chinese Sandy Dewar - Late Republican Roman The Winner was George Dick |